
So I have been posting a few of my poems and I appreciate all who have complimented my work. Poetry has become very essential to me and I want toexplain  what it means to me.  So here goes!
Poetry is a heartbreak of the best kind

One that you can constantly replay over and over in your head

Feel a stinging pain in your heart so many times that is starts to feel normal

Poetry is a sigh of relief

That first tear that you promised not to shed

The outcries of shame that you vowed to keep secret

That red box filled with old dreams that you have on your dresser which you pass everyday but never have the courtesy to acknowledge
I conceded that I want to be a poet today.

Not for money or notoriety

But for pure admission

Soul cleansing

I feel as if I am not worthy but no poet ever is
So for now, I just call myself a wordsmith and settle with that.



To You

Hello World,

Over the past few months, I have been struggling with creativity and found myself in a deep rut that had no bottom. I felt that it was impossible to climb out of it. It seems as if I have reached that bottom and am start the trek to exit it. I wrote a piece back in August after an argument I had with someone very close to me. I was angry, confused and felt like I was being suffocated. I felt deeply misunderstood and lost my head. This poem is my reminder that there is always a silver lining; light at the end of the tunnel.

So, here it is.

For those days when you don’t feel like waking up and you don’t feel strong enough to weather the storm, hold your head high.

Remember that everything is only temporary and that you are forever victorious.
You are a goddess. You can move mountains and form galaxies between your two palms and an innovative mind,
You are power, find yourself in its definition. But do remember that by no definition you are truly defined but by the innermost fire burning in your soul.

For those days that you don’t feel like waking up and the future is an aftertaste of a once plentiful thought that you could feel on the the tip of your tongue,

Hold your head high and scream “I am somebody” into existence and then the world will reverberate its truth.
For the darkest hour or those bright summer days where you feel nothing ever lasts, hold yourself tight and be in that moment.
Shalom Chaverim